Project Team
Kazimierz M. Słomczyński, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN) and Department of Sociology, The Ohio State University (OSU)
Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, IFiS PAN and CONSIRT
J. Craig Jenkins, Department of Sociology, OSU
Han-Wei Shen, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, OSU
Spyros Blanas, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, OSU
Weronika Boruc, IFiS PAN
Joshua K. Dubrow, IFiS PAN and CONSIRT
Donghe Kang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, OSU
Joonghyun Kwak, Department of Sociology, OSU
Denys Lavryk, IFiS PAN
Olga Li, Graduate School for Social Research, GSSR, and IFiS PAN
Nika Palaguta, IFiS PAN
Przemek Powałko, IFiS PAN
Rui Qiu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, OSU
Zuzanna Skora, Faculty of Psychology, Jagellonian University
Marcin Slarzynski, IFiS PAN
Bashir Tofangsazi, Department of Sociology, OSU
Yamei Tu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, OSU
Ilona Wysmułek, Task Leader, IFiS PAN
Marcin Zielinski, IFiS PAN
The Scientific Advisory Board of the SDR Project brings together experts in comparative social science research from different countries and disciplines:
Claire Durand, University of Montreal, Sociology, and President of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
Peter Granda, University of Michigan, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Dean Lillard, The Ohio State University, Department of Human Sciences
Malgorzata Mikucka, Mannheim University, and Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Pamela Paxton, University of Texas, Austin, Sociology
Markus Quandt, GESIS, Department Data Archive for the Social Sciences, Team International Surveys