Harmonization Newsletter Fall 2019
The latest issue of Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences is out now. This newsletter celebrates and promotes the community of scholars, institutions, and government agencies that produce fascinating harmonization research.

This issue features a diverse set of articles and the latest community news. The first article by Dominique Joye, Marlène Sapin, and Christof Wolf is an open call for more transparency and research on weights in cross national surveys. Then Patricia Hadler and Agnès Parent Thirion argue on why it is a good idea to use cognitive interviews and “web probing” for cross cultural cognitive pretesting. Rounding out the article section is Bogdan Voicu’s exploration of how events during fieldwork periods can influence survey comparability. For community news, we present a series of reports: Andrew James Klassen introduces his new large scale survey data harmonization project called “HUMAN Surveys.” Dara O’Neill and Rebecca Hardy report on the CLOSER Consortium for UK longitudinal surveys and Sarah Martin discusses the harmonization of surveys of Scotland. Finally, the Principal Investigators of two recent Polish National Science Foundation grants on harmonization — one by Piotr Jabkowski and Piotr Cichocki, and one by Anna Kiersztyn — report on their projects.