New! Harmonization Newsletter Fall 2018

We present the latest and largest issue of Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences.
The Fall 2018 issue features new research. We begin with two articles on the meaning of survey items that do not refer to a specific time frame for respondents’ past political behavior: what we call, “Have Done ‘Ever’” items. In this mini-symposium, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Josh Dubrow, Ilona Wysmulek, and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski write about the history of, and logical limits in, the use of these items. J. Craig Jenkins and Joonghyun Kwak examine the connection between Have Done Ever items and protest event data. Next, Joonghyun Kwak explores the cross-national comparability of perceived immigrant-threat measurement. Then, Bashir Tofangsazi and Denys Lavryk reveal what it is like to hand code the documentation of over 1700 surveys. We round out the issue with news of the 2019 Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) international workshop to be hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, sessions at the next ESRA conference, and partnerships with The Ohio State University’s Translational Data Analytics Institute (TDAI).