New! Harmonization Newsletter Summer 2019
The latest issue of Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences is out now.
This issue features articles and news. The first is by Marco Fattore and Filomena Maggino on major conceptual challenges to the creation of society-level indicators. Next, Joonghyun Kwak and Kazimierz M. Slomczynski present a concrete example of survey data aggregation into macro-level indicators, using cross-national data on trust in public institutions for their illustration. We then feature a report on the GESIS Roundtable on ex-post harmonization and announce a forthcoming conference & workshop on data harmonization at the Polish Academy of Sciences. We present news about harmonization projects: the American Opportunity Study, HaSpaD at GESIS, and Linguistic Explorations of Societies at the University of Goteborg. We round out the issue with news of recent publications.