Conference and Workshop I: Harmonization (2013)
The first Workshop in the series focused on technical challenges related to harmonizing data from different cross-national surveys.
Some of the topic we discussed:
- how to organize organize survey data for harmonization purposes,
- how to handle large datasets,
- what contextual (e.g. country-level) variables to include,
- how (whether?) to combine survey data with event data,
- how to deal with differences in data quality between and within surveys,
- how to harmonize demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal variables.
For the full program please click here.
Conference and Workshop materials
Invited Lecture: prof. J. Craig Jenkins. Harmonizing Survey and Event Data Measures of Protest? text / presentation
Presentation: Katarzyna Andrejuk. Surveys in the Harmonia Project
Presentation: Przemek Powałko.The Organization and Processing of Data in the HARMONIA Project
Presentation: Matthew Schoene, Marta Kołczyńska. Survey Data Quality
Presentation: Olena Oleksiyenko, Ilona Wysmułek and Katarzyna Andrejuk. Discussion of Source Variables in the Harmonia Project
Presentation: Ilona Wysmuek. Discussion of Contextual Variables in the Harmonia Project
List of Target Variables and Labels
List of Target Variables: Examples
Trust in Parliament: Handout
Contextual Data: List of Country Variables
Contextual Data: Periodicity Handout
Contextual Variables and their Sources
Pictures from the Workshop can be found here.