Latest Issue of Harmonization Newsletter Out Now
The Harmonization Project team, in coordination with Cross-national Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training program (, has published the latest issue of Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences.
You can download and view the newsletter here.
This issue features articles on a variety of methodological topics. Tom Smith, of NORC at the University of Chicago, discusses recent projects in survey data harmonization. Claire Durand and colleagues at the University of Montreal present their projects on analyzing trust in institutions using surveys pooled across time and countries. Zbigniew Sawinski, long-time methodologist of the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN, presents a schema of inter-wave harmonization of panel data. Two graduate students at the Graduate School for Social Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences discuss their dissertation projects on harmonizing ethnic minority status in surveys of post-Soviet nations (Olena Oleksiyenko) and on harmonizing corruption items in international survey projects (Ilona Wysmulek). We also include news from IPUMS (Catherine A. Fitch) and GESIS (Kristi Winters).
The harmonization community continues to present their research at conferences and workshops around the world. In this issue, we have reports from the International Political Science Association meeting in Poland, the QDET2 in Miami, Florida, the 3MC conference in Chicago, Illinois, and the International Social Survey Programme meeting in Lithuania.
As always, we invite all scholars interested in survey data harmonization to read our newsletter and contribute their articles and news to future editions.